Martti Vihanto personal homepage


I worked in the Turku School of Economics for 40 years before retirement. I am Ph. D. (1995), docent (adjunct professor) of economics in my School, and docent of law and economics in the University of Eastern Finland. My research dealt with Austrian, institutional and behavioral economics, having refereed research articles in Finnish journals and books of about ten different disciplines such as psychology, history, political science, environmental law and social medicine.


Selected publications

Laki, markkinat ja psykologia. Uusi tapa ymmärtää kansantaloutta (unpublished manuscript 2020).

Psykologia ja taloustiede. Psykologia 49(6), 2014.

Oikeustaloustiede, minimivaltio ja omistusoikeudet kaloihin. Ympäristöjuridiikka 35(4), 2015.

Onko kahden prosentin inflaatiotavoite liian karkea ja liian matala? Psykologinen näkökulma rahapolitiikkaan. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 112(3), 2016.

Competition Between Local Governments as a Discovery Procedure. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 148(3), 1992.

Tax Evasion and the Psychology of the Social Contract. Journal of Socio-Economics 32(2), 2003.

Extending Austrian Economics toward Psychology: Rules in Loan Decisions. Review of Austrian Economics 17(4), 2004.

For some of the other publications, see Google Scholar.

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